“But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when
the minstrel playe the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him. And He said, Thus And he said, Thus saith the Lord, make this valley full of ditches. 2 Kings 3:15 -16”    

Frances Ridley Havergal, the author of the popular hymn “Take my Life and let it be” was born in Astley, Worcestershire, England on 14 December, 1836, England. Her father, William Havergal, was a hymnist and the rector of an anglican church. Frances heard God speak in music and she grew up in a literary and musical environment that encouraged her as a Christian singer and hymn writer. She showed she was gifted at an early age; she read at the age of 3, at the age of 4 she began reading and memorizing the Bible. By 7 she began to write poems. A dedicated Biblical scholar, Miss Havergal memorized the New Testament, Psalms, Isaiah and the Minor Prophets.

Her mother died when she was twelve years of age, and this was a great blow to her. When between thirteen and fourteen years of age she went to the school of a Mrs. Teed, who was a godly woman, so filled with the Spirit that a great revival broke out in her school in which most of her pupils were converted to Christ. Many of the girls were so happy that "their countenances shone with a heavenly radiance." This deepened Frances' conviction of sin, and she prayed more earnestly than ever for pardon. She then received a definite assurance of salvation. "Then and there," she said, "I committed my soul to my Saviour, I do not mean to say without any trembling or fear, but I did—and earth and heaven seemed bright from that moment—I did trust the Lord Jesus."

From the time of her conversion, Frances lived a very earnest Christian life. She was in schools and colleges in England and Germany, and afterwards visited different parts of England, Switzerland, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, but everywhere she went she took a bold stand for Christ. She received a splendid education both in England and in Germany, and grew into a very beautiful and accomplished young lady. She won many of the highest honours, and became proficient in several languages, including Latin, Greek, French, German, and Hebrew. She was a talented musician, a gifted singer.

Although she was highly educated and cultured, she lived a life of simple faith and confidence in her Lord. She never wrote a line without first praying over it. She said,
"I believe my King suggests a thought, and whispers me a musical line or two, and then I look up and thank Him delightedly and go on with it. That is how my hymns come."
"Writing is praying with me. You know a child would look up at every sentence and say, 'And what shall I say next?' That is just what I do; I ask Him at every line He would give me not merely thoughts and power, but also every word, even the very rhymes."

During an interview, Frances gave a glimpse of how the wonderful hymn of consecration, Take My Life, came into being. She said, "I went for a little visit of five days. There were ten persons in the house, some unconverted and long prayed for, some converted, but not rejoicing Christians. He gave me the prayer, Lord, give me all in this house.' And He did. Before I left the house every one received a blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep and passed most of the night in renewal of my consecration, and those little couplets formed themselves and chimed in my heart one after another till they finished with "ever only, ALL FOR THEE!" - February 4, l874.

Frail of health all her life, when Miss Havergal was told that death was near, she exclaimed once again: "If I am really going, it is too good to be true!" Her sister reported:
"She looked up steadfastly, as if she saw the Lord; and surely nothing less heavenly could have reflected such a glorious radiance upon her face. For ten minutes we watched that almost visible meeting with her King, and her countenance was so glad, as if she were already talking to Him! Then she tried to sing; but after one sweet, high note her voice failed and as her brother commended her soul into the Redeemer's hand, she passed away." on 3rd June 1879 at the age of 42.

A few of other hymns written by Frances includes, Lord speak to me that I may speak, Who is on the Lord's side? O Savoir, precious savoir, I Gave My Life for Thee, I Bring My Sins to Thee etc.

Her story has affected and challenged me in very many ways out of which we will take some prayer points. She inherited the gift of poet writing and song writing from her father as part of their family devotion. In her very words, she wrote "Beside the rich chords and tuneful songs in our home, there were wise and holy influences. Our parents' prayers and their fine example for living were the keynotes of our childhood."– the role of a parent in the life of a child cannot be overemphasised” what lifestyle, skills, inheritance ... are we passing on to our children? is it the lifestyle of Jesus? Many a times we focus on our church or outside ministry forgetting that these children are our very first ministry. Much more than what we say/preach to them, the life we live goes a long way in influencing their character and moulding their future (Prov 22 v 6).


• Lord, make me the father/mother you want me to be, let me take our family
devotion very seriously, let my life positively influence my children.....
• Prompt me, nudge me, speak to me, direct me, please help me to train up
these children in the way of the Lord.

Oh how Frances loved the Lord! Despite her ill health, she was sold out for Jesus. From childhood to teenage years to adult, her passion for Christ continually increased even until the point of death! She learnt and could speak several languages yet her only message was Jesus! She seized every opportunity to proclaim Jesus, to draw people to a closer walk with Him, this passion brought about this hymn (as stated above). Everywhere she went, it was all about Jesus, even when she visited her sister, she seized that opportunity to impact the life of her nieces. No one was too young, no one was too old.

• Lord, please give me a progressive passion for you, that I will not be weary, that I will not be tired, that nothing shall separate me from your love (Romans 8 v 35 – 39)
• Make me an agent of revival in this generation.
• Let me be sensitive to and make use of every given opportunity to proclaim Jesus, also please give me boldness.
she took prayers and her personal devotion very seriously, she took everything to God in prayer, even the little children in her Sunday school class, she prayed not only for them but also for their families. She walked so closely with the Lord such that all her songs, poets, line by line, word for word, even the tunes were from above.
• Lord, make me a woman/man of prayer, that revival may start while on my knees, less talking and more prayers, my talking does nothing but prayers move mountain
• I want to walk with thee O Lord, please draw me nearer.

This was her daily schedule of prayers

Watchfulness. Guard over temper. Consistency. Faithfulness to opportunities. For the Holy Spirit. For a vivid love to Christ.
Earnestness of spirit in desire, in prayer, and in all work. Faith, hope, love.
Forgiveness. To see my sinfulness in its true light. Growth in grace. Against morning sleepiness as hindrance to time of prayer.

• Watchfulness – what does this mean? It means being alert, vigilant, paying careful attention. Matt 13 v 32 – 37, 14 v 38. Mtt 26 v 41, Ephesians 6 v 18
• Guard over temper -temper was probably her weakness- she identified, came to terms with and confronted her weakness in the place of prayer. What is/are your weakness(es)? Speak to God about them.

• Help me to carry my cross daily Luke 9 v 23, to die daily 1 Cor 15 v 31
• Help me to see my sinfulness in its true light, to acknowledge my sins. Please let me see myself the way You see me Ps 139 v 23 – 24
• that I may grow in grace 2 pet 3 v 18, heb 4 v 16, James 4 v 6
• pray against morning sleepiness that hinder prayers ps 63 v 1, prov 8 v 17, is 26 v 9. that I will not be found sleeping in the hour of prayer mark 14 v 37.
Finally, there was a time in her life, after she had become so popular with her music (the music that she loved so much and had done all her life) she noticed that she was focusing more on her singing than JESUS himself and prayed a prayer “Lord, if this singing is beginning to get in the way between us, please take it away”
• I pray that nothing, absolutely nothing, not even the ministry shall separate me from the love of Jesus. rom 8 v 39
• let me love you with all my heart heart, with all my soul and with all my mind. Mark 12 v 30
